wedding tips

Friday, March 19, 2010

If you have experience you'd like to share with others please feel free to submit an article either under a guest account or create your own to come share wedding information time and time again - whether it's a story about a paper wedding dress or a funny story about a fancy dress, all your stories are welcome!
We hope your wedding is an amazing experience for you! Happy trails!
1: To Wear or Not To Wear - A White Wedding
As a little girl… or even now… I am sure that you have laid about dreaming of marrying Prince Charming, looking gorgeous in your wedding dress.

2: 4 Tips For Wedding Tuxedos
Making the decision to tie the know is a big step in every man’s life and one that he must be sure of. Once you ask your dream girl to marry you, there is plenty to decide on before the wedding day.

3: Wedding Veils
The wedding veil is probably the oldest wedding tradition that is performed during a wedding. Many people believed that wedding veils protected the bride from jealous spirits.

4: Personal Wedding Vows

The wedding vows are one of the best parts of a marriage ceremony. The bride and groom have the chance to express their love and commitment to the other person out loud.
5: Be a Princess in Your Wedding Shower
A wedding shower is an fun and exciting time for a bride-to-be. Wedding showers is a party with a purpose.